Welcome to Lightning Tree
The Greatest Treasure Hunt of all is the inevitable Journey we take within Ourselves
Beginner's Intuition Workshop
with Janet Bass & Crista Chavez
October 25th, 26th & 27th, 2024
Friday night 3 hours / Saturday & Sunday 7 hours
Friday night:
Start time: 4pm PST / 5pm MST / 6pm CST / 7pm EST
Saturday & Sunday:
Start time: 8am PST / 9am MST / 10am CST / 11am EST
1 hour for lunch with short breaks throughout the day
8 hour day in total
This workshop is a great space for you to learn how to get back into Relationship with your Authentic Soul again while learning to quickly & effectively tune into your powerful Intuition in a tangible fun accessible way..
Intuition is the Communication between your Soul & your Conscious Self
6 Intuitive Abilities:
The ability to See energy whether awake or asleep
The ability to Feel energy intuitively
The ability to Hear your intuition in the form of a voice or sound
The ability to just Know intuitively
The ability to Taste energy frequencies
The ability to Smell energy frequencies
What Are Your Gifts?
Once each Intuitive Receptor is cleaned out & reset you can then learn the UNIQUE Language of how your Soul wishes to communicate with you, so when your Soul speaks .. you can finally understand clearly.
We will teach many Clairvoyant tools on how to change & heal your past, your present & how to reset your future in alignment with your Soul's Purpose/Path.
You will learn also how to Ground & Run your Energy, also how to clean up your Aura & reset it from
Survival to Thriving again while getting your sense of Humor & Joy back.
Zelle / Venmo / PayPal / Square
Payment plan available if needed (trust method)
No scholarships available
Re-audit cost for students who have already taken this course
Authorized to share Free Soul Method techniques
from Pete Sanders Jnr’s best selling book
‘You are Psychic'
Register by contacting Janet Bass
Ph: 312 771-9396 or janetbass1234@yahoo.com
Let’s have some fun!

Grounding Meditation Movies
Movies designed to teach you how to
ground energetically & find your inner peace
We all have to encompass some kind of approach to our own inner
Spiritual, Mental & Emotional health.
Meditation gives us the ability to clear away energy & old thought patterns so we can be present & aware & ALIVE! ... verses living in the past or the future & therefore not really living at all.
These teaching Grounding Meditation Movies are designed to explain simply & effectively how to create an energetic awareness of your Aura & your boundaries while learning to establish a strong grounding cord connecting you with our beautiful Earth.
Introduction to Grounding Movie
Movies by Janet Bass
of Lightning Tree Films

Tibetan Pilgrimage
Tibet & her Teachings
A one hour movie
by Janet Bass & Richard Rudis
A Pilgrimage set against the stunning backdrop of Tibet Plateau & her beloved Monasteries.
26 Dharma stories & Sutra prayers with Sacred Sound Gong Harmonics and narration by Richard Rudis
(Karma Sonam Dorje).
Each story builds on the one before, gently and effortlessly leading the watcher within themselves so they may question their own attachment to life and then if they chose ... to simply let go.
Most of the footage in this movie was filmed over two pilgrimages to Tibet, and because of the Chinese occupation this movie now stands as a time capsule and archive of the sacredness of Tibet's past in light of her quickly changing present.
I have done my best to use footage and photos from each monastery to recreate the history and experience of each sacred space, a place where 99.9% of the world will never see. Now you can.
This movie took 3 years to make, with thousands of hours of intense work.
She is a gift for all who want and need to experience Tibet and all who feel connected to her.
Tibet is simply .... Magnificent.
Narration & Gong Harmonics by Richard Rudis
Movie filmed, created & Directed by Janet Bass
To Buy contact Janet Bass
Venmo $20 & Type in your email address at the time of payment, a Download link for the movie will be emailed to you.
Thank you so much!